Why is Levi so popular? I won’t answer for others, I’ll explain why I like him, the reasons why are probably the same for many others, so here goes.
Levi is my favourite anime character. But why? Let me explain.
- He’s closer to my age. As the majority of the other characters are teenagers and can be childish at times, I feel more drawn to him, Erwin and Hange (although she is nuts, she does make me smile). I really like his, and Erwin’s masculine, calm voices, they are a nice contrast to Eren’s almost constant high volume bawling ( yes I know Eren, your going to kill all titans, and make them pay!), this is not to say I don’t like Eren, I find his over emotional reaction to absolutely everything very amusing.
- Levi’s not perfect, he has issues and is slightly awkward. He's OCD wanting his surroundings and himself to be spotless, he doesn't like being touched, in case he gets dirty, I think this may be something that he developed as a youngster because of his upbringing. I believe he could also be suffering from PTSD, as I’ve read that he sleeps in a chair and only sleeps for very short times, it’s possible that he has bad nightmares. The OCD could also be a symptom of the PTSD, what they post traumatic obsessive compulsive disorder. Being stuck in a dirty little room with your mothers corpse as a child, and watching literally everyone you care about die in hideous ways, has got to mess with your mental health, and considering mental health treatment is probably non existent in the AOT world, the likelihood of mental/ emotional illness for someone like Levi are huge. Then there is the odd way he holds his cup, which kind of reminds of L (Deathnote), and how he handles things. (Really like L too). I find this very intriguing. He does have a tendency to use violence to get his own way, pummelling Eren to show the court he can control him. In the manga he is very rough with Historia when trying to “persuade” her to become queen, this scene is totally different in the anime. He has made some really bad decisions, leaving Isabel and Farlan alone, so he could go and kill Erwin , more than likely led to their deaths, had he stayed with them, they would probably survived. Also goading Annie about cutting off her limbs, when the survey corp had her restrained in the forest, probably terrified her, leading her to call in the mindless titans and make her escape, after which Annie killed all the member of Levi’s squad, leaving Eren alone and vulnerable to capture.

- He is a tragic figure that has suffered one catastrophic event after another. When he is only a small child, his mother, a prostitute, dies of an unspecified disease, leaving him starving and all alone. He is then raised and subsequently abandoned by his psychopathic uncle Kenny. He looses his 2 closest friends in the most gruesome way, to a titan on their first expedition outside the walls after joining the scouts, witnessing their mutilated corpses first hand.( Seeing him listen to Eren, Mikasa and Armin, talk about seeing the outside world, siting on his own, separately, probably thinking about his lost friends was very sad).His whole squad, except Eren are wiped out by Annie trying to take down her titan. He goes through all this, but he carries on surviving, yes he does have issues, as mentioned before, but these events have moulded him into an extremely interesting character.
- He's sarcastic. For instance when he goads Annie about cutting off her real arms and legs. Then telling her he almost lost his composure when let out a loud scream to call in other Titans. He also calls Eren a creepy little b*****d. He is not a fan of authority either, speaking his mind, even calling some important figures pigs at Eren’s trial.

- He's loyal. He is devoted to carrying out Erwin’s orders regardless of the consequences. He cares about his squad and will put himself in the firing line if it means he can help them, to the extent of injuring himself when he has to step in to save Mikasa from the female Titan. He shows very little emotion but you can tell he feels things very deeply, especially the loss of his friends in the OVA, and his squad members. He’s very supportive of others when they are in distress, holding the hand of his comrade, and giving comfort to him as he dies, also giving another a survey corp insignia to ease his distress at being unable to bring his friends body home.

- He's a total badass. He launches into battle like a human sonic the hedgehog. He keeps his composure and seemingly has no fear. He uses an unconventional reverse grip on his blades which he started to use as a child, when practicing using a knife.

- He’s a great tactician during battle, thinking 10 steps ahead, evaluating each situation, and adapting his actions accordingly. Making him, probably, the sharpest thinker whilst in battle in AOT . These attributes are how he was able to take out so many of Kenny’s squad, who were using anti personnel gear designed to kill people, using just blades designed for fighting titans. He also knows when to back down, usually for the sake of others. OVA ACWNR shows this side to him best, when he surrenders for the sake of Isabel and Farlan.

Who doesn't love a good bitch fight?
- He rocks a cravat.

- He’s not unattractive, I can understand why girls really like him, he's small but perfectly formed.
- Oh and he is a great champion of the resting bitch face!
I realise there are people who don’t really like him, as they feel he is fan service, also his fans are very protective of him, which probably also puts some people off him. Someone even commented to me once that they liked him but were put off because “everybody likes him”! That’s ok though, people are entitled to their own opinion, we are all individuals after all.
So this explains why I, as an older anime watcher , have a fondness for this awkward little man.
How old is Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)?
Popularly people say that Isayama said that he was in his mid thirties in the first three seasons.
I read somewhere that in an before timeskip interview Isayama first said that Levi is in his late 30's but later corrected himself and said that Levi is in his early 30's.
Makes sense that he cannot be older than than 32–33 given the timeline. Kenny took in Levi sometime after year 829(the year Uri inherited founding titan) and Levi hardly looked 10 there. Even if we push his birth year to 817, it makes him only 33 in the year 850 and 37 in year 854. This is something I would say Isayama forgot to properly think about, because if Levi was 13 years old when his mother died, then he could have done better than sitting and waiting for death. I mean, Uri Reiss looked way too old when Kenny met him, well his aging was because of stress but still it should be atleast a few years after inheriting the founding titan that he met Kenny because Rod was looking older too. So let's say Kenny met Uri in the year 831 and then later went to see Kuchel in the same year, Levi here was let's say 10 or 11 and that's already stretching it. That would make Levi 29–30, we can cut an year and make it 830 for when he went to see Kuchel but that is the most practically speaking.
That is why, i personally believe he is 30–31(birth year 819 or 820)at the start, unlike most who call him 35 at the start. That would make him 35 after the timeskip. Hange is maybe a year younger or same.
Does Eren Yeager fear Levi Ackerman?
Not really. Every time Eren showed to be scared of Levi it was in a sort of fun way, such as when he screamed “you midget” to a titan and right away made aterrified face because he realized Levi was behind him.
But in a serious context, no. He’s not scared of Levi killing him if that’s what you are asking. Eren utterly admires and respect his captain. This becomes even more clear in the visual novel, when Petra asks if he is disappointed that his hero is a short angry man and Eren says no, because height means nothing against titans and in the end Levi is humanity’s strongest. Same goes for Levi, the VN mentions that Levi thinks Eren is a monster but not because he can turn into a titan but because of his fighting will and desperation, and that it’s ok for him to be a monster (Levi is considered a monster himself by many so he can deeply understand Eren).
Levi is brute and violent but he does treat Eren specially well, trying to reassure him it wasn’t his fault his squad died, telling him he have the right to chose his own path, helping him when he’s hurt. Even when they fought, even when Eren attacked Levi, he didn’t blamed him (or Mikasa) for their actions. Levi is a very kind and understanding character, even Kamiya (Levi’s VA) said that after learning more about him his opinion of Levi changed from “cool guy” to “kind guy”.
So basically Eren doesn’t really have any reason to fear Levi.
How tall is Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)?
Here are some information about Levi Ackerman's height.
He is considered as the most powerful soldier in Attack on Titan and leader of Special Operation Squad Levi stands at 5'2" inches.
Early 30s (850)
30s (854)
160 cm
65 kg
I was confused about that at first. When I first started watching Attack on Titan, all I heard was “Levi this” and “Levi that”, and I was like what’s so hot about him?
After a bit longer in the fandom, I too became one of those people.
I’m not exactly why I became so attracted to him, maybe it’s his sass. He lightens up the dark mood quite a bit, and his backstory is very interesting. Additionally, he also gets a significant amount of screentime and even has his own OVA. People like characters with tragic backstories and he definitely falls into that category. It makes him more human, and more relatable to the common person. We can all understand wanting to see more of the world, protecting our loved ones, and being as strong as we possibly can. All we really want to do is see him happy for once, because maybe if we can believe that a person like Levi can be happy, then we can too.
On another note, he is a very interesting character. His unusual habits, like sleeping two to three hours a day, being a clean freak, even his obsession with tea, it just makes him even more attractive and leaves us wanting more.
Maybe it’s also because you see him so often on social media, and everyone loves him. There’s fanfiction and fanart everywhere. (Try Tumblr)
Not only that, but he’s strong, badass, and has got some killer abs. It doesn’t help that Isayama gave him a perfectly sculpted body minus the height, which just makes him hot and adorable at the same time.
The list can go on and on.
Who would win in a fight between Levi Ackerman and Bakugo Katsuki?
I think it depends on the landscape and several other factors such as the stages of Levi and Bakugo.
Are we talking about the first season characters? Or the latest version of the characters?
Are they fighting on flat land or in a forest?
Does Levi have his gear? Does Bakugo have his costume? Are they at full health or injured? Which arc are they in? Has Bakugo’s quirk developed completely? Are we talking a possible timeskip Bakugo?
There are so many factors in this fight, especially because they aren’t both regular humans. Bakugo has a quirk while Levi doesn’t. Although Levi is a Ackerman, a clan who has unique and special abilities from among the Eldians.
So the quick answer is, Bakugo would obviously win. But Levi has more combat experience.
In my opinion, Bakugo has a higher chance of winning, as he as an advantage with his quirk and brute strength. But Levi has considerably more experience in battle than Bakugo, seeing their difference in age and where Levi grew up.
Levi grew up in the underground city beneath Wall Sina, a brutal place. There have also been scenes where you see Levi wielding daggers and knives at as what I would guess to be around 8 - 10 years old.
Its also been stated that Levi joined the Survey Corps 5 years ago, right before the breach on Wall Maria, and he does around 6 expeditions a year.
So depending on the situation and multiple factors, Levi does have a okay chance at winning, although he is at a obvious disadvantage. Bakugo is also hotheaded while Levi is usually calm and generally makes logical decisions. While Bakugo has made some pretty reckless decisions, but he is very smart.
We need a specific situation, timeline and landscape.
Therefore, I think the chances of Bakugo winning is higher. But I don’t believe Levi would go down as quickly as everyone else says.
Does Levi Ackerman have a love interest?
Short answer, no. Romance takes an extreme backseat in AoT, and honestly it's one of the things I like about it. Romance takes a backseat, but love doesn't. There are different forms of love, including romantic, platonic, loyalty, trust, affection, attachment, everything is beautifully but wonderfully subtly portrayed. All love doesn't have to be romantic, that's a concept which shippers are pretty much foreign to, I know.
Coming to Levi. Levi and romantic relationships is something I'm unable to place together. He ties with Hange as the very last people I'd expect to see in an explicit romantic relationship with literally anyone.
Does that mean he's emotionally blank? Nope.
His love and affection for Isabel and Furlan is very real.
His trust in his comrades and subordinates and his concern for them is very real.
His trust, respect and loyalty to Erwin is very real.
His subtly but well-portrayed bond of trust, respect and friendship with Hange is also real.
It's not romantic, that's all.
Now, that said, let me address some of the popular romantic ships we see involving Levi among fans.
Wtf. There's something of a 20-year age gap. This would be pedophilia, and who in the world even came up with the idea of romantic relationships between Eren and Levi? I'm bewildered at how insanely popular this ship is. Levi cared for Eren in the sense that he took him under his wing.
He cares for him as a subordinate, and also because he was in charge of protecting Eren. Sort of like a nephew-uncle kind of dynamic is what would describe it best. I'm at a loss as to how ErenXLevi became so widely popular as a romantic ship.
Another bewildering one. Levi and Mikasa do show great teamwork as the two strongest fighters of the team in some of the crucial situations through the series. But again, there's the age gap. And also, shippers conveniently forgot the fact that they're blood relatives.
Okay WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD. These two do have a very, very interesting dynamic, but romance? What the hell?
I see where you're coming from. Erwin and Levi, in my opinion, have one of the best dynamics in the entire series. But I, personally, see absolutely nothing romantic there. Remember how I said that shippers are unable to perceive any love other than romantic? Levi and Erwin's relationship is based on deep trust, loyalty, admiration, respect, mutually.
Levi is unquestionably Erwin's right-hand man, and also best friend of sorts. Infact, every time Erwin and Levi remind me of a king and his most trusted, closest minister/adviser/general. And that way Levi kneeled and bowed to Erwin at Shiganshina? Maaann. Erwin is the person Levi has always looked up to the most. He had devoted himself to Erwin's loyal service. And Levi was the person Erwin trusted the most. I repeat, one of the best dynamics. But again, I don't see any romantic undertones here.
This is a rare one which has subtle hints in the story. Petra definitely looked up to Levi, and Levi had a close bond with her as well as his other subordinates. There are hints of Petra liking Levi, such as the scene with her father. Also there's that additional scene in the anime where the moment of Petra's body being thrown out is shown in special emphasis. And the expression on Levi's face is definitely dark.
However, I still don't think he had feelings for Petra. Maybe she liked him, or maybe her father misinterpreted her words. I admit, all throughout I'd thought that there was something going between Petra and Oluo, so the LeviXPetra mentions kind of took me by surprise.
Nevertheless, I don't dismiss the hints with the same conviction as I do with the others. I still don't think that Levi had explicit feelings for Petra, or that they were in a relationship or something.
This one's going to be LONG, because this actually has potential implicit undertones, and that to very subtle. This is another one where I'd have to say that I see where you're coming from. I don't ship them romantically. But if out of all these potential romantic undertones, I had to pick one, I'd pick this one.
Levi and Hange have a subtle but deep friendship, that's undeniable. She was the first one to be friendly to Levi's trio in their first days at the Survey Corps. They're shown to have each other's backs and work together in many situations as Erwin's two most trusted soldiers and friends. Whenever they work together, you can see their mutual trust and respect. Not to mention that they're the last two veterans left carrying the SC forward after the Shiganshina They also have a really easy banter. Even with his brash speech, Hange is actually the only one Levi has a specific nickname for. Also notice how they're literally shown in the same scene/panel in many, many scenes where there's no context to do so otherwise. I'm gonna reference a particular scene from the anime here, the part when they're starting on the Retake Wall Maria mission to Shiganshina. There are three cutscenes shown after Erwin. Eren, Mikasa and Armin in one, Jean, Connie and Sasha in the next, and Levi and Hange in the next. Every single one of these points all point to Levi and Hange being best friends, kind of. Levi is clearly exasperated with Hange's eccentricity at times, but still trusts and respects her immensely, and Hange is seen interpreting Levi's words for the kids to understand. My favourite duo in the series.
NOW we come to the manga ending. There are two particularly important events here involving Levi and Hange. First, when she rescues him in the forest. Second, the final farewell.
As for the forest scene, there isn't much to be said. There is only one line that people reference as romantic undertones: “I'd rather the two of us just live here..right, Levi?”. Now, here's the thing. It's likely nothing but a war-worn commander expressing her hopelessness to her last living comrade and friend who's severely injured, saying that it may be better if they just ran away from it all. I don't see romance here, to be honest, but the other kind of love I'm talking about, that's there of course. Basically, not necessarily romantic.
There's something very significant about Hange's death. This is the first time Levi didn't let one of his comrades' death go. His entire life has been nothing but loss, and he had to learn to keep their memories and promises with him, and let them go. Even Erwin. He laid Erwin to rest himself, and held his last promise to him in his heart. But here, there's no promise, no commitment, just a “See you later..” that's a first. That’s the first time Levi's not accepted that a dead comrade is truly gone. “Please keep watching us.”
Also, this was the first time he said “Dedicate your heart”.
That scene finally highlights the unspoken and deep bond between Levi and Hange shown subtly throughout the series. I see it as a deep form of platonic sort of love, because as I said, these two tie for last place among those I'd associate with the idea of romance. Love? Surely love. But I'm not sure about it being romantic. At least, I don't see it as romantic. Just, a deep bond.
Here's one thing though, Levi and Hange have some surprising parallels with a particular romantic couple of the series. Need a recap?
Hange: “I'd rather the two of us just live here together, right..Levi?”
Eren: “If the two of us…ran away from it all together..”
Levi: “See you later..Hange.”
Mikasa: “See you later, Eren.”
This is interpreted by many fans as a hint. These ARE clear parallels, though, that can’t be denied.
All in all, I think of Levi and Hange’s relationship as purely a bond based on trust, respect, camaraderie, and friendship. Non-romantic bond, basically. In my personal opinion.
But among all of the contenders for potential ships for Levi, this is the only one which I have a teeny bit of agreement about.
So, that became longer than expected. Either way, hope you enjoyed reading it. Do give your own opinions in the comments. It’s an interesting discussion.
Signing off,