Isn’t this been answer been settled alot of times but ok i guess have to answer.
See for yourself.
Here ars some OPM’s best feats
In the cover of One Punch Man. But that is the biggest feat Saitama has ever done.
So you could scale Saitama to planetary OH WAIT,
It was stated that boros was about to destroy the surface of the earth. So sadly saitama is not planetary because he took damage.
Saitama best feat so far in the franchise so far is punched away Boros attack
Now for Goku’s feats
He spared a guy who can do this
And this
In other words, he can effortlessly destroy planets, but wait, there’s more.
The elder kais stated that Goku and Beerus where about to destroy the universe and Base Goku has gotte alot stronger than that which means Goku is universal in base form we know Goku has faced off with cell who can destroy solar sytems effortlessely. While Saitama’s villans are very powerful there not on the level of Goku’s foes.
Here’s A Meme.
Who would win in a fight: Goku or the Hulk?
Frankly,this wouldn’t be a fair fight,this would end very very bad for The Hulk.
I Don’t know how some Answers from Hulk fanboys here get Upvotes,when they couldn’t be more wrong.
Let me give some simple answers without getting into this,since this is going to be a very long Answer.
DBZ Goku? Yeah,he would kill the Hulk effortlessly.
DBS Goku? Remind me Again why a Guy who can annihilate Universes in Base Form is put up against a Guy who can Blow up Planets and even then when he gets really really angry?
Dragon Ball Goku? See this is more of a fair fight,at Best Goku here is Moon Level, and has a speed greater than Mach speed, even this Goku can beat a few Hulks,but in general Hulk wins this one by a long shot.
To start off,Yes Goku was a Universe Buster as a Super Saiyan God against the God of Destruction Beerus.

This would’ve all happened,if it wasn’t for Goku doing this
Assuming i have shown enough Proof that Both Beerus and Goku would’ve destroyed the Entire Dragon Ball Universe in 3 Punches let’s continue,
One Universe in Dragonball is more than 3x Larger than our own,or in Marvel.
Because it has
- The Mortal Universe ( The Normal Universe which is present in any series there is that contains 200 Billion Galaxies )
- The Afterlife (Which is confirmed to be as big or rather as wide as the Mortal Universe)
- Hell (Which is the same as the afterlife)
- Kaioshin Realm (Which is stated to be 1/10 the size of the macrocosm which is the name of the dragon ball universe)
- Demon Realm (This realm we have little to no info about,but it is safe to say that it is as big as the Kaioshin realm or relative to its size)
For all the Hulk fanboys that try to argue the dragon ball universe 4 Galaxies Big,well Jaco already debunked that
and if that isn’t enough to convince you maybe this Will
Here we see Super Shenron,and also we see Numerous Galaxies in the Mortal Universe in Dragonball,i’m sure you all can count and only visibly here you can see that there are more than 4 Galaxies.
The Afterlife is explained here
While Hell’s size is never officially stated,We have to assume it is as big or possibly bigger than the AfterLife since every Planet has its own Hell.
The Kaioshin realm is Explained Here
Since we don’t know how big 1/10 of the macrocosm is,lets lowball its size to being 1/10 of the mortal Universe,which means the Kaioshin Realm is as big as 20,000,000,000 Galaxies (20 Billion) , and the Demon Realm has to be as big as that since we have next to no info on that either.
So Goku and Beerus were Going to blow all of the above Up with 3 simple punches while Holding Back,that’s right they confirm they have been holding back after the Universal clash,
Then Goku absorbs this Universal Power in his Base Form,this is confirmed when Goku’s SSG Transformation runs out and Beerus states…
Which means Base = SSG and thus Base = Universal.
Now Goku trains with Whis and Vegeta,in fact he trains for 3 Full Years in the HTC with Vegeta,and Surpasses Super Saiyan God in just Base Form without using God Ki,this is later shown when Goku and Beerus(Monaka costume) Fight and Base Goku without the use of God Ki gives Beerus the same if not a more entertaining fight than SSG Did,
Of Course now Goku has perfect control over his power unlike when he first transformed into a SSG and hence why they aren’t threatening to annihilate the Universe again,in fact When they’re about to clash with Goku seemingly using God Ki Now,Whis stops them.
And tells them that if they continue fighting,they will destroy the Earth,this is just an excuse to stop the fight,Because They were going to destroy the Universe and Whis didn’t stop them which renders “ you don’t intent to destroy the earth do you? “ Useless.
In Fact Whis only stepped in to stop Beerus from a fight only when more than One Universe was about to be destroyed.
Now,Stacking his Transformations on top of his already beyond universal Base Form would mean,
SSJ - 50x
SSJ2 - 100x
SSJ3 - 400x
(I’m going to lowball the absorbed SSG’s multiplier to be 2x even tho it is clearly far higher than that)
SSG - 800x
(SSB Has been shown to be a 50x+ Multiplier in the fight with kefla)
SSB - 40,000x
SSB KKx20 - 800,000x
(I am also going to assume Goku can still go Ultra Instinct with the black hair lowball its multiplier and then add in the Complete Ultra instinct transformation with white hair and then lowball even that transformation’s multiplier,just being generous for hulk fanboys)
UI - 1,600,000x
MUI - 3,200,000x
Well there you have it,Current Goku now,at Full power is 3,200,000x Stronger than his past universal self back in BoG,and this is by extremely lowballing him and neglecting the Zenkai Boosts and most of the training.
Now,Hulk is very strong.
But in Dragon Ball terms he would be very weak,in fact he would probably lose to Yamcha and i would be very surprised if it turned out otherwise.
Since Yamcha is already faaar stronger than Early DBZ Piccolo who was already a Moon Buster,

Hulk has some impressive feats tho,most notably being the one where he Presumably destroyed an entire Universe,which i will gladly debunk right here,even tho it has been debunked quite a few times before.
The Hulk that destroyed the universe destroyed a far faaaar smaller universe than our own,and even then he did it in his fight with night crawler so he did not do it alone.

“The nameless one plunged the hulk and a traitor to our cause into the Dimension of the noisome Night-Crawler,But their combat Destroyed That entire universe”
Honestly this just speaks for itself,they destroyed a universe that wasn’t the Marvel Universe,so we can only assume it is smaller since Hulk in no way or version has been shown to be a Star buster let alone a Universal buster which Goku is beyond in just base form in DBS.
Not even sure why it says that they destroyed the entire universe when prior it states that they were plunged into a dimension,unless by universe they mean dimension,dimensions are usually if not at all times Smaller than a Universe,by a lot.
Other than this Hulk has some impressive feats,like holding an entire planet’s tectonic plates

In his World Breaker Version which is one of his most powerful versions,and he does this by being under extreme levels of heat,which is a very impressive feat indeed.
This Hulk was also able to incinerate a planet when he and the Red She-Hulk clashed
He has also destroyed an Asteroid Twice the Size of Earth with his Bare hands
Now this means that Hulk is in those Planet to Multi-Planet ranges of Power by himself,But he has even greater Attack Potency that planet level,since he has Been able to go toe to toe with Silver Surfer who survived supernovas unscathed and then went on to surf them for fun,
Even tho he has lost this exact fight with Silver Surfer,it was only because Silver Surfer has many abilities,one of them is draining the Hulk’s gamma radiation and rendering him to a mere Human

He has survived the weigh of a Star holding him down.
WWH Hulk has also stalemated with Sentry,who has the Power of a Million Exploding Suns
Even though Sentry could have Killed Bruce Banner and thus Killing the Hulk when he was completely drained of Gamma radiation after this Fight,i’d still count this as a stalemate since his WWH Hulk Form still stalemated sentry.
Which is solid proof of Hulk Having far beyond Planetary attack potency.
But Still 1 Million Suns is nowhere close to Galaxy level,and still below Base Goku.
Hulk does have the potential to possess Infinite raw strength,as the Beyonder has already stated but nothing can stay Angry forever,they eventually calm down and enter a state that i can’t remember the name of lol.
At the end of the Day the Hulk is no match for Goku.
there are many impressive feats from Goku that completely overshadow Hulk’s.
Like Goku crossing half of planet namek in an instant,planet namek is at least bigger than earth,overpowering the gravitational pull of a Star with his Kamehameha blast and also performing a massively FTL Feat in the Process,Punching a hole in King Kai’s planet a planet with 10x more dense than the earth,Also lifting thousands of tons there in the beginning of DBS in just Base Form,Lifted the heaviest metal in Universe 7 in just base form effortlessly,capable of one shotting SSJ3 Gotenks who broke Dimensions by just shouting and also has a FTL feat in just SSJ back in DBZ,Surviving being inside a Black hole with no event horizon,also destroying that same black hole,Breaking Kachi Kachin the hardest metal in the DB Multiverse with his bare hands in base form,Overpowering multiple Time Hax From Hit and becoming 4th Dimensional(Infinitely stronger than the hulk who is 3D) also Shaking an infinite 5th Dimensional world by just appearing,etc etc….
These are just some of the incredible feats he has done throughout DBZ and DBS.
Hulk stands No chance..
As strong as Hulk is, he is indeed powerful enough to beat Goku into submission in many of his forms. As Super Saiyan Blue, however, Goku has reached a level of strength that not even Worldbreaker Hulk can easily achieve, as well as being much faster, more versatile, smarter, and better fighting skills. Hulk is a worthy challenge for Goku, but Super has given Goku the feats he needs to overcome Hulk's regen and kill the Green Goliath.
SSB should make him stonger than Hulk, we are talking about the guy whose clash with Beerus shook the Universe, Hulk could potentially reach Goku's strengh level, but his healing factor will start to work less efficient once he reaches it, due to Goku most likely trying to make Hulk angrier by attacking him so that he may get stronger (like how his fight with Bergamo played out, just with rage instead of absorbing of power)
He should be faster, now I know that speed feats are hard to gather/calculate, but Goku being able to move during Hit's time stop should atleast make Goku faster than Hulk, who is faster than Mach 5 (that, or Goku just became immune to time hax, one of the two)
Hulk's projectile game is garbage. What's he gonna do, Thunder Clap Goku out of the air? Goku could just do what everyone in Dragon Ball does and spam energy beams until Hulk's healing factor gets overtaxed, because if Zeus can overtax Hulk's healing factor, then so can another god like Super Saiyan Blue Goku.
Even if Hulk goes Worldbreaker, he's at best Solar System level. Goku already Universe level in the God of Destruction Beerus arc for clashing with a supressed Beerus and almost destroying the universe. By the Universe 6 Arc, SSB Goku can fight on par with Hit, who via Time Skip can use stored timeto create a separate space, or a parallel world as explained by Vados. This means that Hit created an entire space-time continuum. Vados never mentioned anything about it being a pocket dimension, and she specifically stated it was a parallel world, implying it's a parallel universe. Time and space cannot exist without the other, so Hit would have had to created time as well. This means Goku by the Universe 6 Saga is Universe level+. There's no way Hulk would even be able to damage him once he goes Super Saiyan Blue. Though I think Hulk scales to beings like Sentry and Thor who have reached far higher speeds than Goku has, the speed advantage is not enough to deal with the power gap. With Goku being infinitely more powerful than Hulk, there would be nothing Hulk could do to SSB Goku.
And Beerus can move at 3/4 of Whis' speed, 40 Quadrillions+ times FTL, Now, if We Scaled Goku's speed, he was down from 70 percent of beerus since they fougth,since Beerus used 10% of his power, this put God Goku as Trillions of Times FTL, And resulted Ultra Instinct Goku as more then 40 quadrillion times the speed of light, While Hulk barley keep up with Thor (Combat Speed confirmed to be on par with wolverine) and Wolverine (Massively Hypersonic+), Hulk get blitzed and his only adventege is Physical Strengh which is no matter since he can not even Hurt Goku who is MFTL+++
Hulk is strong and has a healing factor, so does Cell in DBZ. Well , Cell had the combined powers of the strongest heroes in the DBZ universe, but Gohan defeated him by destroying him at a cellular level, when he was a still a child.
Now imagine Goku at Super Saiyan level 4 and Hulk whose power level is comparable to some of the dinosaurs that Gohan used for food when he was training with Piccolo. I think Gohan or one of the children - Gotenks or Trunks could easily beat Hulk to a pulp with no help from Goku or Vegeta...
So I am a Goku fan and I know A LOT about him his transformations,abilities,skills and such, but at the same time I am a Hulk fan and also know a lot about his feats, abilities and versions.
First the lastest goku vs hulk NO Hulk could beat Goku even at base form NOW in pre saiyan saga Yes Hulk would be probably stronger but only the comics hulk the tv show hulk would still lose I know Hulk has that “the angrier he gets the stronger” but NO Hulk would beat Goku atm His base form is equal to Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla He beat Super Saiyan Caulifla at base and Why did I say then that ssj2 caulifl=base goku ? Because Goku was exhausted,beat up,weak atm He fought Jiren a being so strong he stopped Super Saiyan Gods Gokus punch with a finger without moving…Goku in pre saiyan saga was already moving at speed of lights many times so now when super saiyan 3 was no match for Beerus at like 1–2% And got oneshot (The first flick on his forehead was like an “push” Beerus wanted to end the fight so he touched Gokus shoulder and pushed it down and Goku was One foot in grave as King Kai said Goku was BARELY breathing.)And God Goku made Beerus go 75% and still lost that means super saiyan god is like a 1000 times ssj3 and back then Goku JUST GOT his new powers and was already universal level almost being able to destroy the universe with 3 hits this Goku would be able to do it with ONE hit.Goku is not like hulk who has different writers,powers every time Goku keeps getting stronger every episode.He is not jumping foward and backwards.Goku has now Super saiyan blue whats a x50 GOD because SSG has Gokus base hair and its name is Super Saiyan God and Super saiyan blues original name was Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan and has ssj1 gokus hair so it means its x50 because ssj1 goku is x50 base goku.
Goku in DBZ was able to move,benchpress and do stuff at 400 times earths gravity
So Super Saiyan Goku would be able to withstand 400x50=20000 times earths gravity already base goku would be overwhelming hulk if hulk wouldve been put to 400x earths gravity he would fall to the ground being unable to move.Unless super angered he would be pinned down.
Super saiyan 2 is a x100 Base goku so 400*100=40000
Super saiyan 3 IS NOT 150 times base Goku its 400 times so 400*400=160000 earths gravity
Super Saiyan God is as I said minimum 1000 times Super Saiyan 3 which means 400*1000=he would be able to withstand 400*400=160000*1000=160000000 160 million times earths gravity.
Super Saiyan Blue x50 God so 160000000*50=8000000000 8 Billion times earths gravity.
Super Saiyan Blue with kaioken 10 or 20(kaioken multiplies anyones power and can be mixed with transformations) 8000000000*10=80000000000 80 billion and x20 8000000000*20=160000000000 160 Billion.
Ultra Instinct-Super Saiyan Blue x20 did NO DAMAGE to Jiren ! AT ALL DID NOT EVEN GRAZE HIM.And Ultra Instinct was able to hurt him and fight him and even beat him if he wouldve mastered it sooner he ran out of it tho.But in the latest episode of DBS Goku MASTERED Ultra Instinct so its a transformation he can go whenever he wants. That means UI is ATLEAST 200 Times SSJBX20 what means 160000000000*200=32000000000000 32 TRILLION times earths gravity.
End. Goku would beat Hulk no matter what form. Herald of Galactus-Dead WWH-dead NO HULK would be able to beat Goku and As I mentioned BEFORE Goku gets STRONGER every episode.Goku would is getting stronger without a limit.Hulk does not even with his *anger* He would not beat Goku.Even if he would be so angry his body would be so hot he would melt the metal structions around him he would NOT beat Goku.NEVER. Unless he gets Ultra Instinct.
Plus in Ultra Instinct,Goku can never be caught off guard or ever be hit.Goku can be blindfolded have his hands tied together legs too and have all his senses blocked hearing,smell everything and If hulk would be about to punch him Goku would still dodge.