Does Roronoa Zoro have the Conqueror's Haki? (Is it lying dormant, waiting to be used?)?


Roronoa Zoro ( ロロノア・ゾロ ) Post Time Skip

Zoro obviously has Conquerers haki after time skip. One can say pre -time skip Zoro’s conquerer’s haki was lying dormant, he didn’t know how to use it.

Zoro has been showing signs of Conquerers haki since the start.

Luffy just suddenly started showing conqueror's haki but if you see on the basis of characteristics, Zoro is a better candidate for conqueror's haki since the beginning. He had his name widely spread. He was more noticeable than Luffy.

It wouldn't have been surprising if Zoro had started to use it then too. He has all the necessary traits. Perhaps Oda was saving actually using it for some other occasion while also hinting about it since the start.

All. the. hints. are. there. since. the. beginning.

  • The person who has conquerors Haki refuses to serve under anyone.  

  • It is also called haki of the color of kings. The people with conqueror's haki cannot work under anyone. Zoro refused to join Baroque works because he wanted to be the boss.

    • The people with this kind of haki stand out from the crowd.

    • Zoro always have this intimidating aura that overwhelms opponents as he demonstrated during his fight with Monet.

      Even supernovas acknowledged his domineering aura and no serving character in Saboady. Zoro was as ready to attack the celestial dragon as Luffy.

      • His reaction to Luffy’s conqueror's haki post time skip .

      Sanji was surprised to see that but Zoro reaction was different. He also said That's what I want from my captain, if he was not capable of that he needed to step down.

      If Luffy wasn't capable of that he needed to step down? Again it points to that he has conqueror haki. He cannot stand a Captain who is weaker than him.

      • The first mate of future Pirate King:

      The expectations for Zoro are high. Not because Rayleigh has it so he must have it too. He needs to have it if he is going to be called as the first mate of the Pirate King. As Urouge said having a first mate like that says a lot about the captain.

      If a person with such great willpower serves him, it shows the Captain would be more amazing.

      • Zoro and Luffy have many traits that are similar that guarantee conquerors Haki: audacious, untamed, uncontrollable, free-spirited, self-determining etc
      • Fearless:


        There are many instances that show he has conquerors Haki. He just hadn't gotten a chance to show it. But we might be in luck here in this arc.

        Zoro is giving off too much king's Haki vibes in Wano.

    Um, difficult to really know who is currently the most "powerful" of them.

    They are in a fairly similar level, but with different strengths and weaknesses.

    Zoro is a bit more impressive against Kaido so far, as most of his combat prowess is about pure skill, raw strength, and an insane display of Haki.

    While Law mainly used his hax against Kaido and Big Mom, as always.

    Zoro is definitely a greater swordsman, is far stronger physically, and displayed greater mastery and strength over Busoshoku Haki.

    But, Law is broken, because of his Devil Fruit, but Law's abilities aren't without weaknesses.

    Sufficient proficiency with Haki may offer some level of resistance to the fruit's effects, Law was unable to cut through Doflamingo's usage of Busoshoku Haki, with the latter catching the former's sword and stopping Law's attack despite being inside of Law's ROOM.

    A major weakness of this fruit is that usage of the fruit's abilities depletes Law's stamina. Over-usage and exerting to the range limit can even result in shortening of the lifespan.

    Limited stamina against a monster like Zoro isn't a good thing.

    A drawback to the fruit is that Law can only use its powers within the specific spherical area, so if Zoro moves outside the area, he will be unaffected by its powers.

    By extension, with a sufficient amount of reflexes, agility and speed, there is a possibility of outmaneuver ROOM. Kenbunshoku Haki can also help too.

    Overall, I feel like Zoro has multiple ways here to evade ROOM, and Law will quickly run out of stamina if he unnecessarily overuse his abilities.

    In melee, Law while nearly be no match at all for Zoro's insane physical capabilities and swordsmanship.

    If needed, Zoro can also keep Law at bay, if not, outright defeat him with various flying slash attacks.

    Swinging his sword with enough force and speed to create a powerful pressure in the form of a compressed air blade, allowing him to cut at long distance.

    Overall, Law heavily relies on his Devil Fruit in combat, so, I probably bet on Zoro here, especially if his Haki is powerful enough to withstand Law's attacks.

Who would win in a death battle, Zoro or Sasuke?

Ah, I love to answer this. I don't even think most people can IMAGINE the happiness I have when answering this. For one, Sasuke is my favorite anime character, and I don't like One Piece at all. So this should be FUN.

Let me start by saying that even though I hate One Piece, I LOVE Zorro. He's the shows saving grace. However, if he wanted to, War Arc Sasuke could rape Zorro from behind without Zorro even knowing what the hell is going on. So, Wanderer Sasuke(adult from the Boruto series), who has much more power, intelligence, speed and experience than War Arc Sasuke. So, that being said, let's go into why this is the case.

Intelligence: What attracts me so much to the Naruto Universe is that it's not all about power, but intelligence and strategy as well. Now don't get me wrong, there are fights that had great power in them and nothing more, such as Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki, but almost every other fight were strategy wise things. Now, don't get me wrong, Zorro has had some good strategies, but he's not a strategist, nor an intellectual. Sasuke is both. And he's one of the smartest in the Naruto Universe, right next to Shikamaru and Kakashi. So Sasuke has the strategiec advantage in this situation. Even if Zorro was to have the strategic advantage, he is yet still just a swordsman. Sasuke has actual jutsu, as well as the Sharingan and the Version 2 Rinnegan, which Zorro knows nothing about.

Power : Sasuke also has the power advantage. He can literally pull a moon sized rock orb down to Earth, which, needless to say, would result in the destruction of Earth, and the human race. And that's not all. His perfect Susanoo can not only fly, but his Susanoo blade can cut through mountain ranges with a single swing, and one Indra's Arrow would destroy every atom in Zorro's body. Amaterasu, for anyone that doesn't know, is a black flame that Sasuke can conjure, which can't be put out unless the user wants it to. And finally, Sasuke has genjutsu, which would fuck Zorro up mentally.

Speed : Sasuke is undoubtedly faster than Zorro. His running speed is fast enough to keep up with Kenshiki, and Sasuke has instentanious teleportation with his Rinnegan.

Outcome : Zorro is out classed in every position. While he is the better swordsman, Sasuke has too much on top if a sword for Zorro to keep up with.

Why does Zoro respect Luffy so much?

So my answer may be highly biased because out of everyone, I'm a BIG Zoro fan, but I still think that this answer is correct with reasoning.

So is Zoro the most loyal? Yes I do think so. The reason is because Zoro understands exactly what Luffy means just by a look or by even Luffy calling his name. Luffy goes to Zoro the most out of anyone on the ship even for the smallest of things. He has proven to understand Luffy the first time when they met each other.

Luffy trusted Zoro enough to take out Helmeppo while Zoro took down Captain Axe Hand Morgan the very first time they met each other. Zoro could have easily said a big fuck you to Luffy, ran off with his swords, AND let Luffy die right then and there but he didn't. Another time was when he let himself get beaten by Bellamy and his men back when they were on their way to Skypia. Luffy looked at him and called his name to tell him not to anything and Zoro did exactly that, nothing.

An earlier case was also during the time where Nami got Luffy kidnapped after they had just met, and Zoro pushed the canon that Buggy was going to use to kill Luffy, back at them, took the cage and jumped off the roof while he was still injured after the behind the back stab Buggy inflicted on him.

And obviously the biggest one from before timeskip was when he took all of Luffy's pain onto himself, even though he was already immensely injured, back when everyone fought Kuma on Thriller Bark. And yes I do remember that Sanji also stood up to give his own head for Luffy's but Zoro was the one who in the end did the deed.

Also, out of everyone on the ship, I'm almost a hundred percent certain, Zoro was one of the only ones, with the exception of Brook and maybe Robin, who distinctly pledged to be loyal to Luffy to his face. After his fight with Mihawks, with Zoro got absolutely destroyed, he held his sword in the air, and said that he promises to never lose again and that he'll become the best Swordsman in the world for sure and that Luffy can become the King of Pirates with him by his side. Since then, I have never seen Zoro lose a fight to any swordsman he's met pre-timeskip and post-timeskip.

Yes I admit that he has lost other fights but not to anyone who called themselves a swordsman/woman. He kept his promise to Luffy and made it his mission to keep it that way. And the last one I can remember before timeskip is him bowing with his head flat on the floor to Mihawks to train him and help him get stronger so that what happened with Kuma wouldn't happen again.

In my opinion, Zoro is probably also the one with the most pride, veryyy closely followed by Sanji, in the whole crew. Like yes all of them do have their prides and what they believe in, but for someone like Zoro who believes in his own skills to be the best, bowing to someone for another person's gain is just such a big show of loyalty. If that doesn't show how much Luffy means to him, to the max, then I don't know what would.

During the Water 7 Arc when Ussop leaves the crew, Zoro was the only one out of all of them thinking that no one should go and invite him back. He was the only one thinking of what was the best thing to do for the crew then. Zoro showed them what little respect Ussop had in his mind for Luffy, and for him to leave the crew even though he knew it was next to impossible to fix Merry at that moment, was incredibly disrespectful. He demanded respect from all of them in that moment for Luffy's sake and that shows how highly he holds Luffy as his captain and as a person.

After timeskip there weren't many times to do so unless you count during Dressrosa where Zoro took on Pika so that Luffy could hurry up and get to Doffy to help Law fight him. As well as the time Zoro yelled at Luffy to get serious when they were at Punk Hazard. Luffy took his words to heart finally and got his head in the game and in the end, beating and capturing Caesar. But after that, Zoro has just been making sure that no one gets in Luffy's way and since Luffy is also stronger, he's also been making sure nothing like the whole Saboady mess happened again.

And yes yes yes I know, the rest of the crew are immensely loyal to Luffy, especially Robin and Sanji, because they thought that the best way to keep him safe at that time was to sacrifice themselves. I respect them so much for that no doubt. I love them so much. There was also Ussop that learned to respect Luffy as a captain whenever he was needed to after the Water 7 Arc when he left the crew. Brook also pledged his 2nd life to Luffy seeing how amazing he was and his persistent personality. Chopper, I don't even have to say this but incase you don't know, he's as loyal as he is cute, and Chopper is HELLA freaking cute. Everyone else on the crew are certainly loyal to Luffy for sure, no doubt in that.

No way you can look at this cute little reindeer and say that his cuteness isn't off the charts.

Buuttt that's it for my answer to this question. Hope you(readers) liked it!